Disability/neurodiversity training

Example courses:

Minority stress and mental health

Minority stress is a model that was proposed originally for LGB people and has since been researched for many marginalised groups. It is a well evidenced, coherent framework for understanding why marginalised people carry a greater mental health burden.

This session can focus on particular populations or take a wider view, depending on the needs of your organisation and the length of the training.

Depending on length, the training can cover:

  • Microaggressions and macroaggressions: cumulative stresses that lead to significant impact
  • The original minority stress research and what we’ve learned since then
  • Introducing the Web Model: a relational framework for understanding and mitigating minority stress
  • Trauma and dissociation: why the worse it is, the harder it can be to see
  • The specific mental health impacts of individual marginalised groups
  • Additional impacts related to living at the intersections of more than one marginalised identity

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Autism awareness training

Over the last decade, our understanding of autism has changed dramatically, with the neurodiversity movement and autistic-led research transforming the landscape of how we understand this much stigmatised and misunderstood identity, particularly in relation to the diversity of experiences and the way other identities intersect. As an autistic trainer, who is also trans and non-binary I am well placed to deliver this training.

This training will cover

  • The myths and stereotypes of autistic people, we will unpick and explore these
  • Up-to-date ways to conceptualise the challenges many autistic people face in a world that does not always adequately accommodate this difference and how these new ways can be embedded within ourselves and our organisations.
  • How with the right understanding and accommodations, we can ensure autistic people are able to contribute, participate and be fully included.

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